Tuesday, May 3, 2011

More images from day 9...

After spending some time at the Kek Lok Si temple, our driver takes us through the narrow street to next impressive temple of Wat Chayamangkalaram. This temple has the largest Reclining Buddha statue in the world, around 33 metres in length. There is also some exquisite statues of Devas and other mystical creatures around the temple grounds.

Kek Lok Si Temple

Golden Statue

Wat Chayamangkalaram Temple

Reclining Buddha

Exquisitely decorated statue

Just across the road, is the Dharmikarama Burmese Temple. This temple is the favoured venue for the Songkran festivities -Thailand's traditional New Year Day - celebrated in April. Absolutely beautiful, I wish we had a bit more time to have a better look around. But the tour must go on.

Burmese Temple

A visit to a pewter factory, where we purchase a gift for Tom, then onto an exclusive chocolate factory where we get to tryout some amazing chocolate.

This has been quite a day and we are glad to get back for a great cup of coffee and another swim in the hotel pool. Later in the day we take a quiet walk along Tanjung Bunga beach, down to the Floating Mosque. Malaysian first floating mosque which can accommodate up to 1,500 worshipers. 

The Floating Mosque

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